Friday, November 5, 2010

The culture of Pop Culture

I know every song from Mega Man II by heart. I also know the names of all of the robot masters, and I have memorized the weaknesses of more than a few of them.

Which is weird, since I have never picked up that game in my life.

Rather, I have absorbed it through the Culture of Popular Culture. I am a fan of Mega Man. I have played Mega Man ZX Advent, Battle Networks 3, 5, & 6, Star Force 1 & 2, and I plan on someday picking up Mega Man Zero Anniversary Collection. I am, to a certain extent, a part of the Mega Man community. and with that, I have absorbed the history of the community; from Mega Man (released in 1984) to Mega Man 10 (released in 2009), and all of game released in between. I also am a big fan of two Mega Man themed rock bands, The Megas (who do covers of the music from the games and fleshes out the characters) and The Protomen (who turn two-line back stories in to epic rock operas).

I also enjoy Doctor Who. This is especially nice, as Doctor Who’s popularity is comparable to that of Star Wars, if the series was released with the frequency of Star Trek. It currently has been going on for 31 seasons(and 11 actors playing The Doctor) and counting, and still going strong. Not a week goes by that I do not hear something that somehow relates to Doctor Who.

Religion is not the unifying force that it once was. In a globalized world, everyone has a different religion. and with different religions come different icons; the stories and characters of one religion may be unheard of among people of other religions. Furthermore, people in the first world are simply less religious than they used to be.

But if I showed you a picture of Batman, you would probably recognize him.

And that is the Culture of Pop Culture: in a world where people are less religious than they used to be, people join fandoms to fulfill their need to feel like they belong. Sure many people probably won’t admit it, but rooting for the Cincinnati Bengals is no different than saying that Naruto Uzumaki could beat Harry Potter in a fight. Old reactions still apply as well: though toned down quite a bit, the rivalry between Team Jacob and Team Edward. is similar to the animosity between Catholics and Protestants. (likewise, the need to have someone to hate has been projected onto Twihards in general).
This is why I spend what is probably an unhealthy amount of time on It is why I am a Troper (have fun on that site all day!). It’s why I can recite the original Team Rocket Motto by heart. all of these are components of the fandoms I am a part of, and in the case of TV Tropes, it is a fandom I am in. I feel like I am a part of these communities. I fact some people become part of an activity for the community (I started researching Doctor Who so I could understand the references months before I actually started watching.) Part of the reason many people watch sports is to have something to do with their friends on the weekends, and talk to other people about come Monday Morning. For many people, their fandom community has replaced their religious community in their hearts. Ultimately, this explains the prevalence of pop culture references. They remind you that you are not alone in your interests.

The Culture of Pop culture is here; and it’s power level is over 9000.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Yu-Gi-Os! (yes, they really made those)

So yesterday I decided to actually use my closet for it's intended purpose (holding the clothes you wear) instead of what I've been doing (holding random things. I decomissioned Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime, who had lost his head some years ago. I also found the other half of Armada (iirc) Omega Supreme (who is also lacking a head). Added to my Alternators Smokescreen and Animated Soundwave, who are both missing an arm, then you would understand my suprise when I found RiD Wedge was still in one piece:
I also found something more unusual that that: An old box of Yu-Gi-Oh Cereal. It has an Expiration date of May 13, 2004, so it would be long stale by now if it wasn't empty. I'd date it to the point when Yu-Gi-Oh was actually mainstream among kids my age then. Here are the pics:
Note that the front says "Millenium Medallion shaped honey sweetened cereal. So basically, it's Cap'n Crunch in a triangle shape. Yami and Exodia are in stock poses, and there appear to be psuedo-heiroglyphs on the cereal bowl for some reason. Also, they couldn't take two seconds to find out what the pyramid around his neck is called? It's kinda important to the story.

The text on the side says (their allcaps, not mine):
Yugi's ALPHA THE MAGNET WARRIOR is a formidable force all in itself, but its true strength lies in combining with two of it's buddies...

The tough trio of ALPHA THE MAGNET WARRIOR, BETA THE MAGNET WARRIOR, AND GAMMA THE MAGNET WARRIOR pull their parts together to meld into the magnetic monster VALKYRION THE MAGNA WARRIOR! Armed with its stunning sword, VALKYRION slices through cadres of monsters!

When all five pieces of EXODIA are assembled, the unstoppable EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE emerges and obliterates its way to victory!

If any one monster represents Yugi, it's DARK MAGICIAN! With magical staff in hand, he blows his opponents away with his Dark Magic Attack!

With the magic of POLYMERIZATION, GAIA THE FIERCE KNIGHT and CURSE OF DRAGON fuse together into the winged warrior GAIA THE DRAGON CHAMPION!

SUMMONED SKULL shocks its enemies into submission with a fearsome lightning strike!

Why they felt the need to end every sentence in an exclamation point I will never know. By the way, it says King of Games on top and all of the monsters are labeled.

The side has a puzzle. On top says "How Much do you know?" Under that is a blurb - "In the Duel Monsters, Yugi and Joey must battle each other. Fill in the blanks to answer the corresponding questions of Joey and Yugi's monster and you will discover the force that bonds these two duelists.
  1. MYSTICAL ___
  2. ____ MAGICIAN
  3. TIME ______
  4. RED ____ B. DRAGON
  5. GAIA THE FIERCE ______
  6. BABY ______
  7. SUMMONED _____
  8. ________ DRAGON
  9. ______ GUARDIAN
  10. GAIA THE DRAGON ________
Each line has assorted blank spaces. one square and a bunch of circles. The squares are set so that they are vertically aligned. The answers are:
Yep, the answer is the generic friendship. By the way, the blurb has terrible grammar, making me wonder if it was written by the target audience.

Well that was nostalgic. At least now Yu-Gi-Oh cereal will not fade into obscurity! No need to thank me.